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What Causes Slow Internet Speed?

fixed wireless internet Midland

There are few things in life as frustrating as slow internet speed — especially in 2023, when most of us have grown accustomed to smooth, instantaneous connections. If you have slow internet speed at your home or business, there are several potential culprits. Reasons for slow internet speed may include one or more of the following.

Going Beyond Your Bandwidth

If you are using more bandwidth than your internet service provider (ISP) plan allows, that can cause your internet speed to slow down substantially. If your household or business has grown since you first contracted with your ISP, that bottom-tier plan you signed up for years ago may lack the bandwidth you need now that multiple household members or employees are going online at the same time. If you are unsure whether this is the cause for your slow internet, review your ISP plan and consider upgrading — or better yet, consider switching to an ISP that can accommodate your bandwidth needs for a lower price.

Lagging From High Latency

Have you ever struck a key on your keyboard, only to wait several seconds for the command to register on your device screen? Those lagging seconds are called latency. High latency may be caused by several things that are out of your control — everything from your distance to the server, to congestion on your network, to the infrastructure of your ISP. If you are on satellite internet, your ISP could be the reason for your speed issues. Consider switching to an ISP that delivers low latency for faster speed.

At VGI Technology, our fixed wireless network ensures that your data transfers across the network rapidly.

Exceeding Your Data Cap

If you use more data than your plan allows, your speed can come to a halt. In 2023, there’s no good reason for worrying about your data — not when there are ISPs that structure plans based on speed, rather than data. At VGI Technology, we know there’s a high demand for high speed. Our fixed wireless network is fast and reliable to protect the productivity of our customers. You only pay for the speed we provide you, rather than a restrictive data plan that slows you down.

If you’re ready for an ISP that can deliver you faster internet service in San Angelo, TX, call VGI Technology today. We look forward to showing you what’s possible.

About VGI Technology

VGI Technology has been providing the highest quality installations and service for Internet access, video surveillance systems, security systems/alarms, access control systems, and home automation since 2002.

Born as a local San Angelo business, we have since grown to service the Concho Valley, Permian Basin and Highland Lakes markets of San Angelo, Wall, Christoval, Eldorado, Sonora, Mertzon, Barnhart, Big Lake, Midland, Odessa, Miles, Rowena, Ballinger, Mereta, Brownwood, Veribest, Grape Creek, Carlsbad, Water Valley, Sterling City, Garden City, Marble Falls, Horseshoe Bay, Burnet and Lake Buchanan.

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